This is a type of budgeting that I use for myself. If you fill it out each month you can set spending and savings goals for yourself. I'm giving it away in exchange for your comments on how I might improve upon it.
I'll make changes and adjust it and offer new versions as the changes are made. My goal is to simplify budgeting down to where it's fun to do! You keep this one at home and carry with you a little notebook to write down each cash expense. If you use online banking you could just jot down your numbers from there.
Save time with the $1 version for Excel or Google Sheets. It is unprotected so you can see and change all the formulas:
Print Options: print landscape, both sides. Flip on short edge.
Fold book in half and staple or not, whatever you prefer!
The pages may seem out of order in the file but they are not. once it's printed and folded in half every page is exactly where it belongs!
Here’s a video explaining how to use:
Kakeibo was invented in 1904 by Hani Motoko, a female journalist from Japan.
Kakeibo helps you answer these questions:
How much money do you have available?
How much would you like to save?
How much are you spending?
How can you improve?
See where slowing down, sitting with your finances each month and setting deliberate intentions for your household's money will lead.
The file type is a printable PDF
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